Safe and Confidential Addiction Recovery Support

Let us help you safely and comfortably navigate the challenges of addiction recovery.

Whether you are detoxing from alcoholopiatesbenzodiazepines, or stimulants, Concierge Home Detox provides evidence-based nursing interventions that can help.

In addition to our in-home detox services, we offer four additional services for ongoing addiction recovery support.

Nursing Case Management

Sober Companions



Private Case Management

Nursing Case Management

Dealing with any substance use disorder is incredibly difficult, and in many cases, relapses may occur, which is why having a complete aftercare plan is vital. Nursing case management is the first part of that essential plan.

Addiction recovery support and nursing case management aim to target each patient’s unique needs. 

Benefits of Nursing Case Management

  • We can properly analyze the patient’s support system and specific requirements
  • We can be proactive about any potential hurdles that may arise and help to create healthy coping techniques
  • We work with the patient and coordinate ongoing support through meetings, doctor visits, counseling sessions, and outside referrals

At Concierge Home Detox, we provide thorough addiction recovery support, including nursing case management, to assist you during challenging times and increase the likelihood of a successful recovery.

In addition to case management, we offer the assistance of sober companions who can be pillars of strength during recovery. 

Sober Companions

Having a sober companion can provide unprecedented guidance and addiction recovery support during the post-detox phase. 

Benefits of Sober Companions

  • They can assist in removing substances that may create temptation from the home or work environment
  • They maintain a close connection in case of any urgent needs and monitor behaviors that may seem out of the ordinary
  • They can encourage healthy lifestyle habits and keep the patient accountable

Sober companions have often experienced addiction themselves. They have the compassion and understanding to help you overcome potential obstacles and guide you on a safe and healthy path forward. 

Sometimes, those who suffer from a substance use disorder erect a wall and make it challenging for others to provide the needed addiction recovery support. In this case, interventions are warranted. 


When people who are struggling with addiction are in denial or cannot see the dangers they are putting themselves in, both physically and mentally, it may be time for an intervention. 

Benefits of Interventions

  • Interventions help families understand the situation by providing answers to questions and working with the patient’s loved ones in developing and maintaining a sober path
  • Mediation from a third party who is knowledgeable and neutral can be a strengthening and bonding experience for the patient and their support network
  • Interventions provide a structured yet safe space to discuss private and personal issues and define a path toward addiction recovery

Getting in-home assistance can be essential for overcoming substance dependency, and Concierge Home Detox’s addiction recovery support services can help, with inventions, if needed, along with tailored private case management.

Private Case Management

Private case management provides one-on-one focus to help assist with multiple issues that may arise post-detox.

Benefits of Private Case Management

  • Private case management provides a single point of contact for various health and social services for ongoing addiction recovery efforts
  • We can often assist with needs that may be beyond the scope of traditional substance abuse treatment
  • We can help with social service networks, insurance questions, and a multitude of other aftercare treatment details 

Having ongoing addiction recovery support can be the catalyst for meaningful change and long-term recovery success. Our comprehensive in-home detox services provide the structure and environment for our patients to overcome addiction and recover safely.

Get help now and start your healing journey to begin living a healthier and more joyful life today.


Get Help Now

(843) 718-7932 *All calls & messages are free and totally confidential.

Take The First Step

The first step in scheduling your in-home detox is speaking with one of our intake specialists to make sure you qualify for our services. Our comprehensive and dynamic approach to assessing individuals allows us to ensure a safe in-home detox.

Talk To Someone Now

We help create the foundation for lifelong recovery.